$12 Million In Clean BC Funding Is Up For Grabs. Apply For Our Pilot And Get A Head Start!

March 2, 2020

The 2020 Clean BC Industry Fund is now gearing up for launch & over $12 million in funding is available for projects that can bring down BC’s emissions.

Foresight’s proven pilot challenge program is new to the process this year. That means it is now simpler than ever to design a solution that will qualify for this new funding opportunity.

1. Apply: Submit your online application here (it’s short! Only 6 questions). (If you prefer, we can set up a call to get your responses over the phone - just email us at challenges@foresightcac.com and we'll arrange it with you).

2. Review: We’ll review your application and get back to you.

3. Challenge: We develop a slide deck based on your application and get your approval.

4. Get Pitched: We market your challenge to our innovators. The top three pitch you. You pick the one you’d want to apply for a Clean BC Grant with.

The first step is to fill out the application! The Clean BC program will launch soon, so please plan to submit by March 15th.

Applications are now being accepted on a first-come first-served basis.

Who's can apply? 

BC Companies with annual post combustion at facility emissions of >10,000 tonnes of CO2e




At Foresight Cleantech, we are shifting the narrative on the innovation cycle – enabling companies to tap into diverse perspectives and talent to solve problems faster, more cost-effectively and with less risk.

Foresight’s Industry Challenge programs accelerate the commercialization of technology that could provide significant benefits in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy security and creating new opportunities in industrial innovation.

If you’re looking for faster innovation, improved business performance, and a thriving cleantech sector, contact us today.